Your Rights as a Professional Driver in Washington


Most of society’s functions rely on moving things around, and drivers like you play an essential part in this. Whether you drive cars, trucks, or other service vehicles, thanks for going into such an important line of work.

In return, we want to make your rights as a worker in Washington more understandable. This way, no driver will be taken advantage of by profit-driven corporations that might see drivers expendable. The Washington state has strict labor laws and ample truck labor lawyers that could help you in times of need.

But for starters, here are some details that can help you understand your rights as a driver better:

On pay

Hard work and just compensation are pivotal to the quality of life of the workforce in general. As a country built on the backs of workers and thriving upon it, you need to make sure that you get paid enough for the amount of work that you do. The current minimum wage in Washington is $13.50, and although there are still movements attempting to increase the minimum wage, your employer mustn’t be shortchanging you.

Washington does not follow the “tip minimum wage” practice in which tipped workers have a lower minimum wage than non-tipped employees. Whether you receive tips or not, your minimum wage must be the standard.

On work hours

driving a car

For drivers like you, work hours can get quite long and, at most times, continuous for cross-country drives. Besides the fact that your work hours are irregular because of the odd shipment schedules, you need to know that you’re entitled to breaks just like the rest of the workforce.

Truck drivers, for example, should have ten minutes of break every four hours. No employer or task at hand can force a driver to be on duty for more than four consecutive hours. If this happens to you, be quick to call it out and approach Human Resources. You are also entitled to paid breaks regardless of your payment schemes.

On benefits

Like all Washington employees, you should have employee leaves, such as vacation, sick, holiday, jury duty, voting, and bereavement leaves. Be sure to read the terms of your employment to know the extent of the assured benefits, such as social support, healthcare, insurance, or other benefits that are necessary to cover the risks involved in your line of work.

On negotiations

It’s essential to know that you play an integral role in the logistics of the company or corporation you’re working for. If the payment scheme, long hours, or pay is unfavorable to you or disproportionate to the amount of work you need to do, make sure you voice out your thoughts to the proper authorities within your corporation. If they refuse to listen, you can take the issue to experts and unions outside your company.

In conclusion, the value that you contribute to the world and the company you are working for should be proportionate to how you are treated and secured as a valuable employee.

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