Your Guide to a Social Security Disability Attorney

When a doctor has declared that a person has become disabled, they will typically apply for Social Security disability benefits. In this YouTube video, the viewer will learn how a Social Security disability attorney can help the applicant ensure their application includes the requirements for approval. In addition to the application, the applicant must submit medical documents and their doctor’s testimony of the applicant’s disability.

To assist the applicant in ensuring their application will be approved, the attorney will help the applicant review the “5-Step Disability Process.” The first item that must be proved is whether the applicant is working. A doctor must provide medical evidence of the severity of the applicant’s condition and that the severity of that condition is why the applicant cannot work.

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The Social Security Administration has a list of conditions approved as reasons for an applicant’s disability. The condition given on an application must be listed on that list. If the condition isn’t on the list, the doctor will have to submit further evidence of why the listed condition has left the applicant unable to work.

The applicant will then be asked if they can do the job that they were doing before the disabling event occurred. The final item asked is whether the applicant can do any job. If they cannot, they will be considered disabled.

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