Pandemic Co-Parenting: How to Make It Work

parents taking care of children

When it comes to co-parenting kids, both parents try to work together for the sake of the children’s best interest. It is very possible that both sides have different views when it comes to education, religion, discipline, health, and spiritual upbringing. It is crucial that you discuss these issues with an open mind to effectively raise your kids.

It does not matter if you are now divorced or still working on getting a legal separation. Your main concern involves trying to figure things out with your partner when parenting the kids. Even if you have a good relationship with your spouse, it is best that you hire the right attorney to help you navigate this tricky situation.

A reliable law firm such as Lewis & Matthews P.C. can help you with matters under family law. They can help answer your questions and know about your options in case co-parenting no longer works for you. Remember that a co-parenting relationship will only work if both parties are willing to cooperate.

How the Pandemic Made Co-Parenting Difficult

Many parents had their world turned upside down because of the pandemic. The crisis opened up new sets of challenges. With kids learning at home and most parents now working remotely, they now have to juggle childcare and work at the same time.

With no school that acts as a buffer for both busy parents and the fear of kids getting sick, co-parenting just became a lot more stressful. We encourage everyone to isolate themselves from other people except immediate family members. But since co-parenting can mean the kids are staying with one parent at a time, this can cause conflict due to fears of illness.

The kids and parents alike need to find a place where both are safe. But then, one parent may feel like their kids will be better off staying with them during the pandemic. This is especially true if one or both parents now have their own families.

With kids moving between different homes at a time and getting exposed to other immediate family members, this can put them at risk. Parents may also have a hard time convincing and believing the other parent that they will make sure to keep an eye on the kids. The COVID-19 health and safety rules that one needs to observe to ensure the safety of the kids make everything twice as hard.

separated couple in couch

How Parents Can Effectively Co-Parent During the Pandemic

It is crucial that both parents work together to find a common ground and be able to communicate effectively. Tell your ex about your worries and what you want them to do to give you peace of mind. Be sure to listen to their side and find ways to meet halfway.

Now that both of you have your own list of worries when the kids are in either household, you can try to find ways to get through this crisis for the children’s sake. It also makes sense that you discuss if the usual visitation schedules still work during these trying times. Check where the kids will better benefit during home confinement.

Since kids will be staying indoors more often, they need to have enough space, engagements, and privacy no matter where they stay. It is a good idea to let them quarantine somewhere where they have their own room and a big yard. It also becomes a must that they have enough resources to keep kids engaged and can support their online learning.

If one family member is sick, exposed to the virus, or is an essential worker, then it would be best to find ways to reduce the kids’ exposure. This could mean the kids staying at one parent’s home for the meantime or another close relative. Even if the kids are still too young to understand the full concept of social distancing and quarantining, it helps to give them an idea in a way they can understand.

Both parents should realize that they need to learn how to adapt together and find ways to co-parent in the middle of a health crisis. This can mean agreeing that they both observe health and safety guidelines set by the health experts for the children’s sake. Talk about how both of you can keep your kids and yourself safe inside and outside of your households.

A routine will help your kids cope better with the new arrangements Make sure to always shield the children from conflict. The last thing they need is the additional stress from seeing their parents fighting or having any arguments.

Co-parenting is made even more difficult now that we are facing a health crisis. But it is never impossible to make co-parenting work for as long as both parents put aside their differences. Be open, be patient, and make sure you always put your kids’ best interests in mind. You kids need you now more than ever. This means you need to work extra hard to provide everything they need mid-crisis.

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