Family Law Cases: What to Expect

lawyer and client

Regarding family law cases, you can expect the proceedings to be complex. So it is vital to have an experienced attorney by your side. You will also be emotional, feel overwhelmed, and stressed as you go through the proceedings. It is important to remember that you are not alone in this, and professionals are available to help guide you through the process.

Moreover, keep in mind that the outcome of your case will ultimately be determined by the testimony and evidence presented, so it is crucial to be prepared. With these things in mind, you can rest assured knowing that you are well-equipped to handle whatever comes your way.

Types of Cases


The couple must go through a divorce process where they must resolve various issues, such as child custody and property division. Both sides must be represented by a reputable divorce attorney in court who can help them navigate the process. The attorney can also handle other family law cases, such as child custody and support, to make the process easier for their clients by ensuring they know their rights and options in the proceedings.

Child Custody

When a couple gets divorced, child custody is one of the most contentious issues they must resolve. To resolve child custody cases, the court will consider various factors, such as the parent’s financial stability, the child’s relationship with each parent, and the child’s best interests.

Domestic Violence

Domestic violence can have devastating consequences for both the victim and the children who witness it. In domestic violence cases, the court will consider factors such as the severity of the abuse, the impact on the children, and the risk of future violence.


In these cases, the court must determine the best guardian for a child who cannot live with their birth parents. For cases like these, the court will consider the ability of the adoptive parents to provide a stable home, the child’s relationship with the adoptive parents, and the wishes of the birth parents.

Camera focuses on child smiling at the camera holding a teddy bear with adoptive parents speaking to a lawyer in the background

The Legal Process

Standard legal processes for these types of cases involve:

  • Filing a Petition: The first step in starting a family law case is to file a petition with the court. This document will state the specific reasons you are seeking relief. As well as ask the court to grant certain types of relief, such as ordering child support or dividing property.
  • Service of Process: After filing the petition, the other person must receive a copy of the petition and a summons. It’s a document that tells the person when and where they need to appear in court.
  • Response: The other party will have an opportunity to file a response to the petition. In the response, they can agree with everything asked for in the petition, or they can disagree with some or all of it.
  • Discovery: After the filing of the response, both parties will have an opportunity to gather information from the other side through discovery, which is accomplished by going through written questions, depositions, and requests for the production of documents.
  • Motions: After discovery, either party can file motions with the court. These are typically used to ask the court to rule on an issue in the case, such as whether or not specific evidence will be allowed at trial.
  • Trial: If the settlement or motion is insufficient to resolve the case, it will go to trial.

The above is just a brief overview of the legal process for family law cases. For more specific information, you should consult with an attorney specializing in this law area.

What to do after the Case is Resolved

Here are a few things that you should do after the case to ensure that you are protected and that the resolution is effectively implemented:

Once the judge decides on your case, make sure to get the order in writing. The final order will outline the judge’s decision and how it should be implemented. You must understand all the terms of the final order. Once you have agreed to the terms, you are required to comply with them.

However, if you do not comply with the terms of the final order, the other party may hold you in contempt of court. In contrast, if the other party does not comply with the terms of the final order, you may file a motion for contempt.

Take these steps after your case is resolved to be better positioned to protect your rights and ensure that the resolution is carried out effectively.

No one enters into a family law case expecting it to be easy. The process is often long, arduous, and emotionally draining. However, if you understand what to expect from the start, you will be in a better position to make informed decisions and protect your interests.

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