Essential Things to Ask Personal Injury Lawyers

Chris at Springs Law Group gives useful advice on ensuring the lawyer you want to hire is a good fit for your case. In other words, he helps you determine how to ensure the lawyer will work in your best interest. He suggests three essential questions you should ask before signing the agreement. It is especially significant when hiring personal injury lawyers.

1. Which staff member will work on your file, and what is their role within the firm?

Many people work in a law firm, and each plays a role within the overall firm.

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You need to find out who will be responsible for your case file so you know who to contact when the case is progressing.

2. What is the plan for handling your case?

Before hiring, you should determine what the lawyers plan to do about your case. After explaining your case to personal injury lawyers, ask them to walk you through how they think they can help you best.

3. How much will it cost?

It’s important to have an open relationship with your lawyers about the financial aspect of your case. Expect to hear a general range rather than an exact amount. Also, find out how they expect payment to be made. Do they want a contingency or retainer contract, or will the case be charged a flat fee? Must you pay upfront, or do they deduct their fees from the settlement?

These are the most important matters you must clarify before hiring someone to represent you in any legal dispute.

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